

    We specialize in rehabilitation after surgery with goals of minimizing scar tissue, reestablishing joint motion and function, and retraining your muscles while adhering to your surgeon’s protocol to ultimately get you back to activity and/or sport.


    Whether you’re a student, professional, or recreational athlete, we will help you return to practice and competition via interventions specific to the demands of your sport. As former athletes we know firsthand what it’s like to rehabilitate from sports injuries.


    The everyday aches and pains of life can affect us all. Whether you have neck pain, low back pain, or hip pain the Doctors at RRRemarkable will take you through a thorough orthopedic examination. Our interventions will be specific to your specific goals.

Vestibular Rehab

Vestibular Rehab is a form of physical therapy that addresses issues associated with one’s vestibular system. Your vestibular system refers to the sensory system in your body, associated with your inner ear, that is responsible for balance, head position, and spatial orientation. People with vestibular disorders often experience the following symptoms: dizziness, vertigo (i.e. room spinning sensation), imbalance, and visual disturbance. At RRRemarkable, we specialize in vestibular rehab for evaluation and management of concussions and BPPV. Benign paroxysmal positional vertigo (BPPV) refers to the intermittent sudden sensation that you and/or your environment is spinning with certain positions due to a misshift of particles in your inner ear that are responsible for your balance and spatial orientation. This misshift causes an imbalance that between your inner ears that yields the symptoms of BPPV. Treatment of BPPV includes a series of head movements that shift these aforementioned particles in the ears back to their original location, thereby restoring balance between the sensory organs in your inner ears.

Concussion Rehab

A concussion is a mild traumatic brain injury associated with a direct hit to the head, face, neck, or elsewhere in the body with an impulsive force transmitted to the head. Symptoms may include memory loss, headaches, dizziness, noise/light sensitivity, imbalance, incoordination, fatigue, difficulty concentrating, and irritability. At RRRemarkable, we do a thorough examination and develop an individualized care plan to get you back to your daily routine, recreational activity, and/or sport in the safest and quickest way possible while allowing your brain to properly heal. With regards to concussion management of athletes, a specific protocol is followed to prevent athletes from returning to their sport too soon which can lead to permanent brain damage down the line.

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We Are Happy To Help You


Prevention is better than cure. Our injury mitigation screening encompasses an evidence based activity specific approach. Screening at RRRemarkable is specific to your sport or occupational demands. Our goal is to give you the actionable information to decrease your risk of injury.


    Our skilled hands-on treatments consist of stretching, strengthening, mobilization of soft tissue and/or joints, massage, muscle energy techniques, proprioceptive neuromuscular facilitation, and other techniques with the goal of decreasing pain and/or increasing range of motion and strength.

    Techniques and Methods







    Cupping, also known as Myofascial decompression (MFD), is a traditional Chinese therapy that has been adapted into sports rehabilitation and recovery in the United States since the 2016 Rio Olympics when famous olympians like Michael Phelps were seen using it for added recovery. Here at Kulture + we perform air cupping, which involves using negative pressure from suction cups to lift your fascia and allow for lymphatic drainage of toxins.

    Please Note: Cupping can result in deep red circles where the cups were placed. These circles typically are not painful, with the exception of minimal initial soreness, and could last for up to a week or more.


IASTM is a manual therapy technique that uses a weighted metal instrument to increase muscle flexibility, increase body awareness and decrease myofascial adhesions. IASTM is used by our clinicians to help you move better.


Dry needling: Dry needling helps people relieve muscle pain, muscle tightness, and increases the healing response of damaged tissue. During dry needling, a thin filiform needle penetrates a patient’s muscle, connective tissue, and myofascial trigger points. Dry needling has been shown to increase a person’s movement quality and is seen as a premier intervention for decreasing movement dysfunction.


BFR: Blood flow restriction training helps you get stronger faster. BFR has the ability to create the presence of high load resistance training without using heavyweights. BFR is ideal for the patient in rehab who is coming back from surgery or is currently unable to train with heavy weights secondary to pain.